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The intersection between Account Abstraction and MPC

Learn how Account Abstraction (AA) and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) work together to make crypto wallets safer and easier to use. This article explains their relationship and the benefits of combining these two technologies.

Rebecca lalav
Rebecca lalavJul 22, 2024
The intersection between Account Abstraction and MPC

A writer once called Account Abstraction (AA) and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) friends with benefits, and I could not agree less. These two concepts have sparked extensive discussions within the crypto community. While some have viewed them as competing concepts, others have recognized the complementary nature of the two approaches. In this article, we’ll talk about the relationship between Account Abstraction and MPC, exploring how their combination can bolster security and improve user experience in crypto wallets.

Quick Definitions

Account Abstraction is a concept that separates the execution layer from the consensus layer in blockchain networks. Traditional blockchains, like Ethereum, employ an account-based model, where user accounts hold balances and smart contracts manage the state of these accounts. Account Abstraction introduces the notion of a virtual machine (VM) that allows for the execution of arbitrary code on the blockchain. It enables developers to write complex smart contracts with custom logic, enhancing the functionality and flexibility of blockchain applications.

Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is a cryptographic technique that enables multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their private inputs. In the context of blockchain, MPC can be utilized to perform computations on sensitive data while preserving privacy. By distributing the computation across multiple nodes and combining their results, MPC ensures that no individual party has access to the complete information, thereby minimizing the risk of data leaks or unauthorized access.

Simple Differences between Account Abstraction and MPC

  1. Use Cases: Account Abstraction is used for smart contract wallets, while MPC is used for privacy-preserving key management solutions.
  2. Focus: Account Abstraction is mostly concerned with account management, while MPC is mostly concerned with key management.
  3. Usability: Both solutions eliminate the need for a seed phrase as a private key and provide account recovery options. However, MPC wallets have certain limitations in asset management features. On the other hand, AA wallets are driven by user experience (UX) and offer the added benefits of smart contract capabilities and advanced DeFi features.
  4. Blockchain Agnostic: MPC is blockchain-agnostic, while Account Abstraction is limited to the Ethereum blockchain and the EVM ecosystem.
  5. Validation of Transactions: Account Abstraction shifts the validation of transactions from the protocol to the smart contract level, while MPC does not.
  6. Consistency with crypto ethos: MPCs, by design, incorporate a centralized component, prioritizing privacy over transparency. It’s worth noting that MPCs were initially conceptualized as a general cryptography solution and not specifically for blockchain applications. On the other hand, AAs were purpose-built to facilitate streamlined asset operations on the blockchain, aligning with the fundamental principles of the crypto ethos, which emphasize decentralization, transparency, and privacy.
  7. Security: MPC provides shared security at the key generation and management level, while Account Abstraction provides multiple signature requirements and simplified recovery processes.
  8. The environment of use: AA is a methodology specifically designed for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) applications. On the other hand, MPC wallets are more versatile, as they can function on any blockchain the provider has integrated.

High-Level Differences

MPC vs AA.png Credit: Usecapsule.com

Possible Intersection between AA and MPC

MPC and AA are distinct technologies designed for different purposes, but they do share some common ground. While AA focuses on managing accounts, MPC is concerned with key management.

By integrating MPC with Account Abstraction, advanced features like decentralized identity management, anonymous voting systems, and private smart contract execution become possible. This integration allows blockchain systems to operate on confidential data while still upholding the principles of decentralization.

MPC wallets are versatile and work across various blockchains, offering non-upgradable multi-sig functionality. In contrast, Account Abstraction utilizes smart contract wallets, making it the most sophisticated self-custody tool for Ethereum. AA provides intricate asset operations and security functions, paving the way for Web3 advancements. Meanwhile, MPC serves as a privacy-preserving key management solution that can be applied to multiple blockchains, making it a potential foundation for a true multi-chain wallet.

AA and MPC complement each other in the long run. MPC enhances security at the key generation and management level, while smart contracts bring extensibility and foster an ecosystem approach to feature and application development.

In the context of Account Abstraction, both externally owned accounts (EOAs) and contract accounts are merged into one, with pre-defined and customizable rules governing valid transactions. This approach prevents a signer from having absolute control over a wallet’s assets. By adopting account abstraction, wallets can bundle multiple transactions together and execute them as a single transaction, offering users a simpler experience. Complex transactions and yield farming opportunities can be streamlined to require just a single click of a button.

Enhancing Security and Privacy through Account Abstraction and MPC

To improve security and privacy in blockchain systems, the two concepts, Account Abstraction and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) are important. Combining them can improve security and user experience in crypto wallets even though they serve various use cases and target audiences.

Secure Smart Contract Execution:

Account Abstraction allows for the execution of complex smart contracts, enabling developers to implement sophisticated logic within blockchain applications. By combining it with MPC, sensitive computations within smart contracts can be performed securely. For example, computations involving private user data, such as financial transactions or identity verification, can be executed using MPC techniques, ensuring that the data remains confidential and protected from potential attacks.

Data Privacy

MPC provides a powerful tool for preserving data privacy in blockchain systems. By leveraging cryptographic protocols, sensitive information can be securely processed without exposing the raw data to any individual participant. This is particularly relevant in industries where data confidentiality is crucial, such as healthcare or finance. MPC enables these sectors to leverage blockchain technology while maintaining compliance with data protection regulations.

Secure Decentralized Exchanges

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) rely on smart contracts to facilitate peer-to-peer trading without the need for intermediaries. The combination of Account Abstraction and MPC can enhance the security of DEXs by enabling private order matching and settlement. Through MPC techniques, buy and sell orders can be matched without revealing the details of the underlying trades to individual participants, minimizing the risk of front-running, market manipulation, or information leakage.

Scalability and Efficiency

Account Abstraction and MPC can contribute to enhanced scalability and efficiency in blockchain systems. By separating the execution layer from the consensus layer, Account Abstraction allows for more efficient resource management, enabling parallel processing and reducing the workload on the consensus mechanism. Additionally, MPC techniques can distribute computation across multiple nodes, harnessing their collective computing power to improve the overall performance of blockchain networks.


In summary, Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Account Abstraction (AA) are different technologies with unique purposes. However, combining them can greatly benefit blockchain technology.

As the Account Abstraction ecosystem grows, it can improve user experience when used with MPC. This combination can create a more secure, private, and user-friendly blockchain environment. Developers need to carefully consider the pros and cons, requirements, and specific use cases when choosing between AA and MPC for their projects.

Bitpowr offers MPC-based wallet services to help you manage your digital assets and here’s where you can get started.

Feel free to also check out our documentation



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