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Why is Bitcoin Valuable?

A deep dive into the factors that have made Bitcoin an attractive investment vehicle and a highly sought after digital currency.

Rebecca lalav
Rebecca lalavMay 27, 2024
Why is Bitcoin Valuable?

Why is Bitcoin Valuable?

There’s no question that the world is seeing the emergence of a new financial system. This financial system is driven by exciting emerging technologies like blockchain-powered cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, which is the most popular option.

Anyone who even remotely understands Bitcoin can spot how different it is from fiat currencies. It isn’t issued by governments, it’s digital and operates on an open network without any centralized controlling body. So how is something that’s so flexible vying to be as valuable as fiat currency? Simple, some of its traits mirror those of fiat currency, and most of the ones that don’t, also add to its value. Let’s take a look at these traits that have infused bitcoin with incontestable value.

Factors that Make Bitcoin Valuable


Scarcity is one of the key factors that give Bitcoin its value. Bitcoin has a hard cap of 21 million coins, which means that there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence. As of now, only 18.9 million bitcoin are in circulation, while 2.1 million bitcoin are yet to be released. This scarcity is built into the Bitcoin protocol and cannot be changed.

The limited supply of bitcoins ensures that it is scarce and cannot be inflated like fiat currency. Governments and central banks can print more money at will, which can lead to inflation and devaluation of the currency. This is not the case with Bitcoin, as the limited supply ensures that its value cannot be diluted.

Because of this scarcity, Bitcoin can act as a store of value, similar to gold. It allows individuals to protect their wealth from inflation and currency devaluation. The limited supply means that the value of Bitcoin is more likely to increase over time, rather than decrease.

This scarcity also makes Bitcoin more attractive to investors, as it is perceived as a hedge against inflation and a potential store of value.


Decentralization is one of the key features of Bitcoin that makes it valuable. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, meaning that it is not controlled by any single institution or organization. Instead, it is based on a distributed ledger technology called Blockchain, which records and verifies all transactions on a public ledger. This public ledger is maintained and secured by a distributed network of users called “nodes”.

By running on a decentralized system, Bitcoin presents users with a number of benefits:

Transparency: Since bitcoin transactions are recorded on a blockchain ledger which is open and accessible to anyone, such transactions are transparent and verifiable. This ensures that the system is fair and that no single entity can manipulate the system for their own benefit. It also leaves room for accountability as all transactions can be viewed by anyone.

Security: The decentralized nature of Bitcoin makes it more resistant to hacking and fraud. Since the system is not controlled by a single entity, there is no central point of failure that can be targeted by hackers. It is much more difficult for hackers to attack the network and steal bitcoins. This makes it a more secure option for storing and transferring value.

Censorship-resistance: Decentralization also makes it difficult for any one entity to block, censor transactions or freeze accounts. This ensures that the system is open to everyone, regardless of their location or circumstances.

Control: Decentralization gives individuals more control over their own money, as they are not beholden to a centralized institution. This allows them to make transactions faster, cheaper, and more securely than traditional financial systems.

No intermediaries: Bitcoin allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a third party intermediary such as a bank. This reduces the cost and time required for transactions, making it more efficient than traditional financial systems.

Utility as a Medium of Exchange

Bitcoin has utility as a medium of exchange, just like fiat currency, allowing individuals and businesses to buy and sell goods and services. It can be used to purchase goods and services online or in physical stores that accept it as a form of payment. As more merchants and businesses start accepting Bitcoin, its utility as a medium of exchange increases.

When you make a purchase with Bitcoin, you are essentially transferring ownership of the coins to the seller in exchange for the goods or services you are purchasing. The transaction is recorded on the blockchain, which is a public ledger that contains all Bitcoin transactions.

One of the key benefits of using Bitcoin as a medium of exchange is that it allows for fast and secure transactions. Bitcoin transactions are processed by a decentralized network of nodes and are typically confirmed within minutes, whereas traditional bank transfers can take several days to clear. Additionally, Bitcoin transactions are secured by blockchain technology, which makes them more resistant to fraud and hacking than traditional electronic transactions.

Another benefit of using Bitcoin as a medium of exchange is that it allows for greater financial freedom and autonomy. With Bitcoin, individuals are not beholden to centralized institutions such as banks, which can impose fees and restrictions on transactions. This makes it a useful option for individuals in countries with unstable currencies or restrictive financial systems.

Bitcoin’s utility as a medium of exchange also allows for borderless transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks, which can make cross-border payments quicker, cheaper, and more efficient.

It’s important to note, that while Bitcoin’s utility as a medium of exchange has been increasing over the years, it is still not widely accepted as a form of payment and its volatility can make it difficult for merchants to price their goods and services. However, with more merchants and businesses starting to accept Bitcoin, and new technologies like stablecoins and payment processors, the utility of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange is expected to continue to grow in the future.

Portability and Divisibility

Bitcoin’s portability and divisibility are two key benefits that make it a valuable and convenient option for storing and transferring value.

Portability refers to the ease with which Bitcoin can be transferred and stored. Because it is a digital currency, it can be stored in digital wallets, which are software programs that allow individuals to store, send and receive bitcoins. Digital wallets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, which makes it easy for individuals to access and transfer their bitcoins from anywhere in the world.

Divisibility refers to the ability of Bitcoin to be divided into smaller units. Each bitcoin can be divided into 100 million units called satoshis. This allows for the flexibility to make transactions of any size, whether it is a small purchase or a large transfer. This also means that Bitcoin can be used for microtransactions, which are small transactions that are not possible or practical with traditional fiat currencies due to high transaction fees.

Combined, these two benefits make Bitcoin a very convenient and versatile option for storing and transferring value. In comparison to other currencies such as gold, Bitcoin has the advantage of being more portable, divisible, and easily transferable. Individuals easily store and transfer bitcoins from anywhere in the world, and make transactions of any size. It also allows for use cases that were not practical with traditional fiat currencies such as micropayments and borderless transactions.

Potential to Drive Innovation

Bitcoin’s ability to drive innovation makes it valuable by providing the foundation for new technologies and use cases. The decentralized and secure nature of blockchain technology, which underpins Bitcoin, enables the creation of new products and services that were previously not possible with traditional technologies.

One of the most significant ways in which Bitcoin is driving innovation is through the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. These are financial applications built on top of blockchain technology that allow for the creation of decentralized and autonomous financial systems. DeFi has the potential to provide an alternative to traditional financial systems, which can be more secure, transparent, and efficient. This is making Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies attractive to individuals and businesses looking to take advantage of the benefits of DeFi.

Another area where Bitcoin is driving innovation is micropayments and micromoney, by allowing small transactions with low fees, it opens up new use cases such as micropayments for content, micromoney transfers and more. This allows for new business models to emerge, providing new opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses.

Bitcoin is also driving innovation in various other industries such as logistics, gaming, and more. This makes it an attractive option for individuals and businesses looking to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology and be part of the new opportunities and possibilities it brings.

Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, which has the potential to revolutionize various industries. As more businesses and individuals begin to see the benefits of this technology, the demand for Bitcoin is likely to increase.

How is the Value of Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Determined?

The value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is determined by supply and demand in the market. The price of Bitcoin, like any other asset, is the result of the interaction between buyers and sellers in the market.

When demand for Bitcoin is high, the price will rise as more people are willing to pay more to buy it. On the other hand, when demand is low, the price will fall as fewer people are willing to buy it. This is similar to how the value of stocks, real estate, and other assets is determined by supply and demand.

Several factors can influence demand for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, including:

  • Adoption: As more individuals and businesses adopt Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, demand for them increases, driving up the price.
  • Media coverage: Positive media coverage can increase awareness of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, leading to increased demand and higher prices. Negative media coverage can have the opposite effect.
  • Economic and political factors: Economic or political instability in a country can lead to increased demand for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a store of value and a hedge against inflation.
  • Innovation and new use cases: The development of new technologies and use cases for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can increase demand for them and drive up the price.

It’s important to note that the value of Bitcoin and other non stable cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile and that the market is still relatively small and young, which means that the value of these assets can be subject to large fluctuations in a short period of time. This volatility can be caused by various factors such as lack of regulation, speculation, and market manipulation.

Don’t Be Left Behind

As the digital economy continues to evolve, it’s evident that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a role to play given their unique characteristics. Future-proofing your business means exploring the new decentralized financial system that includes key components like Bitcoin and identifying how you can embed that in your operations. To successfully do this, you’d need reliable blockchain infrastructure for seamless access, and that’s what Bitpowr provides. And if you already run a DeFi-based business or are looking to kickstart one, we also have all you need to run and scale your digital asset business easily, quickly and cost-effectively. Let’s chat here.



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