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Why Use Crypto Wallets?

Are you still thinking of why you should use a crypto wallet ? well, a study from Juniper Research (read more)

Rebecca Lalav
Rebecca LalavMay 23, 2022
Why Use Crypto Wallets?

Why Use a Crypto Wallet?

Are you still thinking of why you should use a crypto wallet ? well, a study from Juniper Research found that the number of people using digital wallets will increase from 2.3 billion to nearly 4 billion, or 50% of the world’s population, by 2024. This would result in an increase of more than 80% in wallet transaction values to more than $9 trillion per year. Also traditional banking systems have a number of flaws that make it difficult to complete any transaction. For starters, transactions are frequently slow because they must go through intermediaries, such as banks, implying that there is a single point of failure. Data can be jeopardized, altered, or even corrupted across numerous systems where accounts and balances are maintained. These issues are reduced or eliminated with crypto wallets.

What is a Crypto Wallet?

A cryptocurrency wallet is a device, program or physical medium, which stores the public and private keys for cryptocurrency transactions. The crypto wallet programs are available for mobile phones, desktops, and even as pieces of hardware. These wallets can be compared to how emails work, read our previous article to understand better.

How different Individual use Crypto Wallets?


Hey! For me a crypto wallet is a digital bank, i use Trust wallet and Ledger. Trust wallet is online and used and trusted by millions of people. I also use Ledger, its offline…feels a lot safer. Knowing that I can stuff my crypto away and I control my own keys has been most beneficial.


Crypto is a store of digital assets, I mostly use Software wallets. They are Profit on investment for me.


I use Decentralized exchange wallets like Trust wallet Centralized exchange wallets (more of exchanges than wallets, although it somewhat serves similar purpose): Binance, Gate, KuCoin and most recently FTX . The Benefit to me is it holding my assets more or less. I also have portfolio managers like Coinmarketcap and Coingecko to help track and manage my assets across wallets


Crypto wallet is digital storage that stores my crypto currencies, I use Argent for ethereum assets (has the best wallet infrastructure), I use blockchain.com (for BTC, BCH), Binance for exchange. Wallets help me move money easily. From all the above mentions it is safe to say you have more to gain when you use crypto wallets to keep your assets.

How different Businesses use Crypto Wallets?

Collecting NFTs: All NFT focused businesses one way or the other use wallet like metamask to store the information regarding the location of your NFT assets on the blockchain. A wallet is an essential tool if you want to start collecting NFT’s as it provides private keys or passwords that allow a holder to access funds and assets stored on the blockchain.

Building multicurrency wallets: Wallet infrastructures such as bitpowr could make building multicurrency crypto wallets like Coinbase Wallet and Exodus much faster and easier. A deposit address, blockchain data, exchange rates, and transaction broadcasting are all that is required of a multicurrency crypto wallet. With one integration, you get them all.

Retail Platforms — Payment processing : Retail platforms can easily generate multiple wallets (hot, cold, hd, multisig) and addresses for customers use.

Trading Firms like Hedge funds: Asset managers use Crypto wallets as secure cross-exchange trading environment infrastructure to trade capital across different exchanges.

Crypto Exchange platforms: In a matter of days, you can launch scalable crypto exchanges using infrastructures like bitpowr’s while maintaining security. You can create transactions, deposit addresses, and receive notifications for incoming transactions (withdrawals).

Thinking of wallet services to use for your Bussiness? Check out the types of wallet we offer at Bitpowr

1. Crypto Wallet

These are bare wallets like non-custodial wallets that are not connected to private ledger account. Bitpowr has limited control over these wallets The end-users (mostly developers), will handle every operation by themselves using the API. Funds in crypto wallets are not managed by Bitpowr and can only be moved by the end-users (developer)

2. Exchange Wallet

These are wallets that are connected to Bitpowr private ledger account for instant internal settlements, connected to external fiat/crypto exchanges for fx. The developers have minimal control on moving funds from the addresses from these wallets as they are controlled by Bitpowr for easy fiat exchange and to save the tx fees. You can easily move funds between exchange wallets on Bitpowr network instantly with no tx fee.

3. Savings Wallet

These are types of wallets that are generated using the crypto wallet, connected to a private ledger account, and created as contract addresses on supported chains. All ETH, TRON, CELO addresses are generated and deployed as a contract to each blockchain.

What can you do with bitpowr wallet services?

Easily Create, manage and secure your crypto-wallets : You can manage Multiple wallet and currency from a single interface. Bitpowr Wallet allows you to easily manage all your accounts and cryptocurrencies from an intuitive interface.

Create multi assets wallets: Assets that contain popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, wallets for each team or department in your organization. User and wallet-based transaction policies. Define specific transaction policies for cryptocurrency accounts. Add different users to each account and define their roles, permissions, and limits.

Assign Chained and Threshold Approval Process: Design and approval chain specific for each wallet or account. In a real corporate environment, multiple approvers do not share the same level of permission. With Bitpowr Wallet, you can combine multi-level approval chains with M-of-N approvals and threshold levels, adapting the approval process to the needs of a company.

Assign Roles & Permissions: Assign roles to different users for each wallet, such as wallet operator, approver or auditor. Transaction limits: Establish transaction limits for each wallet and user, including maximum transfer amount and maximum operations per day.

Schedule withdrawals

Schedule periodic withdrawals from a wallet for daily, weekly or monthly transfers. Monitor balance to trigger payment automatically Configure automatic transfers when a certain balance is reached.


The future wallets will serve as a gateway to protocols and services, as well as a representation of our professional and personal financial standing. Wallets will evolve from being something we use occasionally to something we use all of the time. Our digital wallets will become the single most significant storage location for everything from our money to our identities.

Bitpowr technologies help you as businesses build on the blockchain, manage your digital assets, and accept crypto payments.

Check out our documentationto learn more about our wallet services and other related products. Contact sales or send an email to [email protected] to get started!



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